Wednesday, 21 March 2012

Extreme Dentistry, Replacing a Dire Troll's Gnashers.

As mentioned in the couple of posts, I've bought some trollbloods off a friend to try and teach myself the HORDES system in time for me to play this tournament in may.

Part of the deal was a dire troll mauler, which despite not having been painted, was unfortunately missing his bottom rather large fangs.

As it happened, I didn't have a spare pair to hand, but I did have my trusty dremel, a bunch of paper clips and some greenstuff to hand...

Open wide and say 'Arrrrgh...'

 First up, I drilled out the recesses in his gums where his teeth would normally sit. Quick blast with the dremel here with a 1.8mm bit makes light work.

Next up, I cut some paper clips to about 10mm and glued them in. Once these dried, it was easy enough to bend them into a slight curve in the shape his teeth should've been with a pair of clippers.

After this I flattened a lump of green stuff into a rectangle, about 18mmx4mm, and wrapped it round the paper clip, pushing the end into the gums. Once the gum-end held, I twisted the other end like a green flump, and gently stretched it into a point. Kind of hard to describe, but the best I've got!

Repeat, then leave to dry. Once solid, I filled any gaps and he's ready to rock 'n' roll.

Keep an eye out for the finished pictures of his paint job, coming up soon!


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