Thursday, 5 July 2012

A new start, Necromunda, and a win in the new place.

So, this is more of a life update than in actual modelling or hobby one.

The big news is that me and my brilliant girlfriend have bought our first house together. I've been working toward this for about 4 years now, and we've finally taken the opportunity and found our place. I'm not going to bore everyone with the details, but its been fair to say, its been a busy few weeks making the move.

Its also not looking like its going to get any easier over the summer. The place needs work doing on it, and that's my job.  Like sorting this out.

I have my job to do. And games to play. This doesn't leave a huge amount of time to paint, but I'm going to try my best.  

So what else has happened over the last few weeks since my last post? Well 2 major hobby bits of news to report.

Firstly, my trolls have had some success. Last weekend I played in a 25 point warmachine/hordes one day tournament in the Scythe and Teacup gaming cafe in Liverpool. After a 5 round day, which is utterly tiring, I managed to come out on top of the heap, with 4 wins and 1 loss throughout the day. Which means I earn this!

The trophy is ace, and I got a £10 voucher to spend in the shop, and as I have a star wars thing going on at the minute...

Here it a during game shot from mark, the tourny organiser. This was game 3, against my mate tom's skorne. Me leaning in like that meant it was a thinker. I also won this game by the skin o' me teeth.

This was actually the second in a trilogy of events, the 1st one I came 4th, and the final round is in august, so I'll have to stay on my game to defend the title!

The second bit of hobby news, is that down at the lost boys(my regular Tuesday night club), we're starting a necromunda campaign. I've never played necromunda with these guys before, but I've heard stories from their last one, and it sounds like its going to be a blast. I picked up a squad of snow troopers from the phalanx trade show in st Helen's a couple of weeks back, to turn into these guys.

They're from a company I'd never heard of before, called 4 A miniatures. I knew I was looking for a gang, and ran into the their stall and was sold. Check out some of their stuff here. So, lord knows when I'll get to paint them, but at least they'll be in one piece for the start next week!

Till next time,


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